Monday, January 29, 2007

Sunrise Soaking @ Skinny Dipper

Last week, on the 21st, Josh and I woke before dawn to trek out on our next soak. We traveled to Skinny Dipper hot springs, just outside of Banks, ID. It was still dark when we arrived. With our flashlights and trusty trekking poles we began the ascent. A quarter mile up isn't usually too bad, however, when the path is slick with ice and snow, it's a different story. We made it safely up with out any falls! This is quite the feat for me, as I am not always the most graceful of people. We enjoyed a beautiful soak while watching the sun rise. The hike back down was even more treacherous. Thank goodness for our trekking poles! Thanks, Mom.

We are begining our training for our May hike into the Grand Canyon. This will be my first trip there, as well as Josh's. As that comes closer I'll give more details. So far, 2007 has been a wonderful year!

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